About the Dublin Buddhist Centre
About the Dublin Buddhist Centre
The Dublin Buddhist Centre is part of the Triratna Buddhist Community, a network of women and men from around the world who are engaged in the collective creation of Buddhist practice that is rooted in the Buddha’s teaching and example, yet relevant and effective in today’s world.
What We Do
The Dublin Buddhist Centre (DBC) lies at the heart of the Dublin Triratna Community and is a place where friends from our Community get together. It is where we meet to learn about and practise Buddhism, meditation and yoga, and where we introduce these practices to newcomers.
Many of those who come to the DBC are Buddhists; others don’t identify themselves in this way. All are welcome to come and benefit from what we do here.
The Buddha’s Teaching
Many people in Ireland today are questioning and re-evaluating established ways of thinking and living and find that the Buddha’s teaching directly addresses these concerns.
The Buddha’s teaching represents an utterly fresh way of understanding the value of human life and how we can best make use of the tremendous opportunity it offers.
It presents a path of practice towards increased creativity, clarity and positive emotion based on enquiry, honest communication, integrity and personal responsibility.
Making the Buddha’s Teaching Available
We make the Buddha’s teaching available to newcomers through introductory courses in Buddhism and Meditation, where people learn about these practices and meet our Community.
The Community gets together regularly for Sangha Nights, festivals, study groups, and other events, where we enjoy the atmosphere of friendliness and taste the benefits of collective practice.
The retreats we run offer a deeper experience of this atmosphere in the peace and quiet of the countryside.
As well as these events, the Centre runs yoga classes where those who attend experience the well-being that the practice brings.
We have a set of ethical guidelines for people teaching and leading events in our centre.
We are also engaged in interfaith work, taking an active role in the Dublin City Interfaith Forum.
We are committed to providing a safe space for all people who come to our centre, including children and vulnerable adults.
Please refer to the Dublin Buddhist Centre Child Protection Policy (PDF, 700kb), Dublin Buddhist Centre Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy (PDF, 805kb) and the Dublin Buddhist Centre Garda Vetting Policy (PDF, 375kb).
A Registered Charity
The Dublin Buddhist Centre is a registered charity, registered as Dublin Buddhist Centre (Triratna). Our registered charity number is 20030698 and our CHY number is CHY11311.
Dublin Buddhist Centre (Triratna) is a company limited by guarantee not having a share capital with company number 473536.
The Dublin Buddhist Centre is governed by a Board of Directors who act as guardians for the organisation and provide vision and strategic direction. The Board meets approximately nine times per year. Its members are all members of the Triratna Buddhist Order. The Board consists of the following people:
The Centre Team
The Centre Team all work full time and take care of the day to day running of the Centre. It consists of the following people:
(The members of the Centre Team also serve on the Board of Directors. For more information on this please click here.)
The Centre Support Team
The Centre Support Team are a team of volunteers who assist with administrative and other tasks.
Accounts, Income and Expenditure
Our audited accounts for the last three years are available:
If you have any questions about our structures or accounts, please don’t hesitate to contact us.