Help Support the Future of the Sangha in Ireland


Hatred, violence, craving and ignorance are the causes of so much suffering in the world and in our minds.

Now – perhaps more than ever – the world needs the Buddha’s teachings of awareness and compassion as a path to freedom from suffering. For 32 years Dublin Buddhist Centre has been at the heart of the city bringing greater connection, joy and peace of mind to the thousands of people who have come through our doors.

But we have a problem. The cost of living crisis and the new post lockdown landscape mean that our income is consistently falling short of our expenditure at a level which cannot be sustained indefinitely. To secure our future we need those who have benefited from what we do to come together to help us.

We need your help now. Can you support our life changing work by starting a regular gift today?

Our suggested gift is €50 a month but please give whatever you are able to. Thank you.

Other Ways of Donating

You can also transfer money directly to our account, if that is more convenient. Our bank details are:

Account Name: Dublin Buddhist Centre
Bank: Ulster Bank
Sort Code: 98-50-10
Account Number: 6891 9182
IBAN: IE40 ULSB 9850 1068 9191 82

Bank Account Standing Order

You may also like to consider a regular standing order from your bank account to the DBC.

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