Useful Triratna Links
Useful Triratna Links
Triratna Buddhist Community is the homepage of the Triratna Buddhist Community (formerly the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order or the FWBO), a worldwide Buddhist movement devoted to the re-expressing the essential teachings essential teachings of the Buddhist tradition in ways appropriate to the modern world.
A full list of Triratna centres, businesses and resources, listed by country, is available on
Une liste complète des centres Triratna, des entreprises et des ressources, répertoriés par pays, est disponible ici.
Una lista completa de los centros, empresas y recursos Triratna, listados por país, está disponible aquí.
Sangharakshita is the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Community.
As a core part of the Triratna Buddhist Community, Free Buddhist Audio host an enormous collection of Dharma and meditation Talks, Lectures, Seminars and other materials.
Check out the Young People in Triratna Facebook Page for more information of upcoming events.
Meditation Links
The Meditation Homepage of the Triratna website contains more information on the two types of meditation taught in the centre.
The Wildmind Meditation webpage has a wealth of practical, down-to-earth yet inspiring material to coach you through the process of learning to work with your mind and emotions in order to develop more calmness, relaxation, clarity, and happiness.
This page is also available in:
- French – Méditation Bouddhiste
- Spanish – Aprende la meditación budista
- Russian – Осваивайте буддийскую медитацию
- Portugese – Guia para a Meditação Budista
- Polish – Wprowadzenie do medytacji w internecie
- Chinese – 佛教禅修指导
- Chinese – 佛教禪修指導
Kamalashila is one of the Triratna’s foremost meditation teachers. His website includes many Dharma talks he has given and as well as his excellent meditation reference book ‘Meditation’, published in 1992 by Windhorse Publications.
Buddhist Books, Videos and Audio Resources
As part of the Triratna Buddhist Community, Free Buddhist Audio host an enormous collection of Dharma and meditation Talks, Lectures, Seminars and other materials.
Clear Vision holds the Triratna’s video and image archives. Their website offers a wealth of DVDs, images and free video, including 500 short Q&A with founder Sangharakshita, grouped by theme. is where Triratna Buddhists upload their own short videos on all sorts of topics.
Lights in the Sky is a Triratna resource which makes films to help people in their practice and understanding of Buddhism and the Triratna Buddhist Community.
Windhorse Publications is the official publishing house of the Triratna Buddhist Community.
The Meditation for Everyone DVD and Video is an accessible, practical and engaging video introduction to meditation practice for people of any belief or none. is a specialised online bookshop that sells Spanish translations of Buddhist books – Libros sobre el budismo y la meditación.
Schools, Media, Scholars and Interfaith
The Clear Vision Trust is a UK Buddhist charity presenting Buddhism through audio-visual media for adults and young people. Run by members of the Triratna Buddhist Community, it’s well known in UK schools for award-winning DVD and online interactive materials for Buddhism in the classroom. Building on thse, it now makes available free online information and materials for young people at home and temple.
Triratna Buddhist Community News is blog of events, happenings, people and places related to the Triratna Buddhist Community.
Dharma Life was a magazine produced by the Triratna Buddhist Community, including news, articles, reviews, features, comment and interviews covering all aspects of Buddhism in the West. It is now out of print, but you can still read from its archives.
Urthona is a Buddhist magazine devoted to the arts produced by artists who practice within the Triratna Buddhist Community. It seeks out sources of inspiration for Buddhists within the Western cultural tradition, it explores the place of art in the spiritual life and it encourages the practice of the arts among Triratna Buddhists.
The Jambudvipa Trust envisages and works towards a society free of caste and other social barriers, in which all people, whatever their background can participate fully.
The Western Buddhist Review is an online acedemic journal of Buddhist ideas, which publishes articles exploring the principles of Buddhism, in particular as practised within the Triratna Buddhist Community.
Wolf at the Door runs Buddhist-inspired writing workshops and retreats.
Mindfulness-based Programme for living with Stress, Pain or Illness
Kulananda (Michael Chaskalson) runs Mindfulness Works, which offers MBSR courses for coaches, for people suffering from stress, for corporate settings, and for therapists interested in Mindfulness- Based Cognitive Therapy.
Breathworks is a self-management pain relief and relaxation programme, and run courses in UK and the rest of Europe, as well as train mindfulness instructors.
Retreat Centres
The following are Triratna retreat centres throughout the world.
Adhisthana Retreat Centre, UK
Aryaloka Retreat Centre,(New Hampshire) USA
Akashavana Women’s Retreat Centre, Spain
BuddhaField (Camping Retreats), UK
BuddhaField East (Camping Retreats), UK
BuddhaField North (Camping Retreats), UK
Dhanakosa Retreat Centre, (Highlands of Scotland) UK
Eco-Dharma Retreat Centre, Spain
Guhyaloka Men’s Retreat Centre, Spain
Metta Vihara, Belgium
Padmaloka Men’s Retreat Centre,(Norwich) UK
Rivendell Retreat Centre,(South East England) UK
Sudarshanaloka Retreat Center, New Zealand
Taraloka Women’s Retreat Center, (Shropshire) UK
Tiratnaloka Women’s Retreat Centre, (Powys) UK
Vajraloka Men’s Retreat Centre, (North Wales) UK
Vijayaloka Retreat Centre, Australia
Vimaladhatu Retreat Centre, Essen
For more information about which retreat is right for you in the UK, try the Going on Retreat webpage.
Team-Based Right Livelihood Businesses & Other Businesses
The Karuna Trust is a charity which has worked with some of India’s most disadvantaged people. Its aim to promote dignity, self-confidence, and the breaking down of caste and religious barriers.
Led by Osadha (Neil Dowling), Drum Nature facilitates drum circles and African drumming workshops in schools, businesses and communities throughout Ireland. The aim of Drum Nature is to use rhythm-based events to bring people together and to create a positive outlet for creativity, energy and self-expression. Drumming is a very accessible activity and even a group of beginners can create an up-lifting rhythm in a matter of minutes.
Buddhist Images sell fine quality Buddhist statues (rupas), Buddhist paintings (thangkas) and Buddhist ritual items. These are all made in Kathmandu, Nepal, by local craftspeople.
A full list of Triratna centres, businesses and resources, listed by country, is available on
Triratna Authors and Personal Websites – A collection of some of Sangharakshita’s writing
Bodhipaksa – Author of the book “Vegetarianism” and founder of Wildmind.
Other Buddhist Resources
Buddhist Recovery is a resource to illuminate the Buddhist path to freedom from alcoholism and addiction.
Access to Insight is an Internet website dedicated to providing accurate, reliable, and useful information concerning the practice and study of Theravada Buddhism, as it has been handed down to us through both the written word of the Pali Canon and the living example of the Sangha.
Yoga Links
Sudaka is an Order Member who visits the Dublin Buddhist Centre regularly, and he has his own website on yoga. He and Sadhita run the mindfulness yoga teacher training centre Bodhi Yoga in Spain.