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Booking Information
Early booking is advised for these events as they do fill up!
The Dublin Buddhist Centre is a not-for-profit Registered Charity, charity number CHY11311.
Concessionary rates apply to students, unemployed and O.A.P.s.
We set our charges to cover our costs. If attending any of our classes would put you in financial difficulties then let us know.
You can also buy Gift Vouchers for a friend or loved one who might benefit from some of these events!
If you have free time and would like to help out in any way around the centre then please get in touch with us, we always appreciate it.
dublin buddhist centre
web: www.dublinbuddhistcentre.org | email: info@dublinbuddhistcentre.org
unit 5 | liberty corner | james joyce street | dublin D01 N5H6 | ireland | tel. (01) 817 8933
registered charity number 20030698 | CHY number CHY11311