Breaking Through Into Buddhahood
Breaking Through Into Buddhahood

Monday 26th September 2022
7:00pm - 9:15pm
Led by Vajrashura
A Five-Week Buddhism Course on Breaking Through Obstacles
The main metaphor the Buddha used to describe his teaching was of a path leading to Enlightenment. But sometimes we encounter obstacles on the path that prevent us from making further progress. What should we do then?
On this course we explore this question and consider that sometimes a slow and gentle progression is not possible. Instead, we may have to break, or even smash, through the obstacle standing in our way!
We also contemplate the ‘wrathful’ figure of Vajrapani – Wielder of the Thunderbolt – as a symbol of breaking through into Buddhahood.
Participants will receive the PDF book Breaking Through into Buddhahood as part of the course.
Led by Vajrashura, an experienced Buddhism and meditation teacher who is passionate about breaking through to freedom!
Suitable for: Anyone with an interest in Mindfulness or Buddhism.
This course is offered in-person and online. While all of our events are offered on a donation basis, to attend our courses in-person we ask for a deposit of €30 to secure a place as space is limited.
Photo by Alexa Popovich on Pexels
Dublin Buddhist Centre
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