Day of Compassion for World Suffering

Sunday 10th March 2024
11:00am - 4:30pm

Led by Pavara, Maitrikaya and Sadayasihi

This event is both in-person and online

“Hatred is never pacified by hatred, it is only ever pacified by love. This is the eternal law.”
– The Dhammapada

Our world seems to be consumed by war, suffering, fear and hatred of strangers. When we hear about the injustices of these situations we want to respond. We want to do something. We want our governments to do something. We want to stand up against injustice and stop those we see causing suffering. But how do we do this?

The Buddha was clear that suffering comes in many forms: from the everyday suffering of our lives to global suffering. And the tragic devastation resulting from conflicts in Palestine, Israel, Ukraine, Russia, Sudan and many other places makes it all too apparent that responding with more hatred and blame will not stop the cycle of suffering.

One thing we can do as Buddhists is to more deeply commit to promoting the causes of peace and non-violence: starting within our own hearts and minds and then moving out into our communities and the whole world.

Join us on Sunday 10th March in the Dublin Buddhist Centre as we come together in solidarity with the suffering world, invoking the Bodhisattva of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara, where we will dedicate our practice towards the alleviation of all suffering in the world and the pacification of hatred.

No need to book in advance.

This event is on a donation basis and all donations received towards this event will be donated to the UN Refugee Agency to support people displaced as a result of conflicts around the world.

If you’re coming online, join via Zoom (password if required is peace) a few minutes before the event is due to start.

Dublin Buddhist Centre

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