Dharma Day Festival – Going for Refuge: The Central Act of a Dharma life
Dharma Day Festival – Going for Refuge: The Central Act of a Dharma life

Sunday 5th July 2020
11:00am - 1:00pm
Led by members of the Triratna Buddhist Order
One does not Go for Refuge because one is a Buddhist but is a Buddhist because one Goes for Refuge.
– Sangharaskhita, The History of My Going for Refuge.
Dharma Day Festival is a chance to celebrate and rejoice in these teachings, which have lead to the transformation of the hearts and minds of countless men and women. It’s an opportunity for the Sangha to come together and spend a day reflecting on the Buddha’s teaching.
The centrality of Going for Refuge is one of the main emphases of the Triratna Buddhist Community, so on this morning, Prajnagita will give a talk called Going ror Refuge: The Central Act of a Dharma Life, tracing the development of Sangharakshita’s reflections on the centrality of Going for Refuge, and she will explore the significant and far reaching implications of this in our Dharma lives.
A morning not to be missed! Join us on Zoom. Password if needed is: dharmaday
All our events are offered for free but you might consider making a donation to help us to continue to provide classes.
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