Dharma Day Celebration – The Perfection of Wisdom
Dharma Day Celebration – The Perfection of Wisdom

Sunday 10th July 2022
10:00am - 4:00pm
Led by members of the Triratna Buddhist Order
You don’t have to justify your existence by being useful. You yourself are the justification for your existence… Do things psontaneously, out of a state of inner satisfaction and achievement. It is a virtue to be ornamental as well as useful.
– Sangharaskhita, Wisdom Beyond Words.
Dharma Day Festival is a chance to celebrate and rejoice in the teachings of the Buddha and Buddhist tradition, which have lead to the transformation of the hearts and minds of countless men and women. It’s an opportunity for the Sangha to come together and spend a day reflecting on the these teaching.
The Perfection of Wisdom sutras are considered one of the profoundest set of scriptures in the whole Buddhist tradition and we will be exploring some of these through talks, reflections and devotion. We will also be drawing on the figures of Majnugosha/Manjushri and Prajnaparamita for inspiration and guidance on this festival day.
A day not to be missed! The day will take place in-person however if you cannot make it physically, you can join with us on Zoom. Password if needed is: dharma
While all of our events are offered on a donation basis, please consider making a donation to help us to continue to provide classes and events in this way.
Dublin Buddhist Centre
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