Dharma talk by Paramabandhu – Manjughosa & Emptiness
Dharma talk by Paramabandhu – Manjughosa & Emptiness

Friday 28th June 2019
7:00pm - 9:15pm
Led by Paramabandhu
Paramabandhu was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order in 1990. He has lived and taught at the London Buddhist Centre for over 20 years, and was Chair of the London Buddhist Centre for many years too.
He was the clinical director and founder of Breathing Space, the health and well-being wing of the London Buddhist Centre, which teaches mindfulness meditation for depression, addiction and for carers.
He also worked as a consultant psychiatrist working in the National Health Service in Islington, London, specialising in addiction psychiatry.
Paramabandhu is very active as both a Public and Private Preceptor, making him one of the people responsible for conducting ordinations into the Triratna Buddhist Order.
The talk will be a ‘wisdom talk’, exploring the figure of Manjughosa, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom, and Shunyata, the Buddhist philosophical concept of ’emptiness’ (or equally ‘fullness’). A healthy dose of Perfection of Wisdom teachings such as these can truly help us see the world as a Bodhisattva would.
All are welcome to this evening, which will begin at 7pm with a meditation.
Dublin Buddhist Centre
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