Dharma Talk – Human Potential

Friday 13th March 2020
7:00pm - 9:30pm

Led by Aryajaya

An In-Person Event

What does Buddhist practice have to say about being human?

Using the traditional Buddhist teaching of the Wheel of Life Aryajaya will explore the advantages and opportunities of being in the mental states of the human realm and maybe answer the question by the poet, ‘What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious human life?’

Aryajaya is one of the two Order Convenors of the Triratna Buddhist Order, travelling all around the world helping to facilitate the flow of communication and harmony within our Order and community.

On this night, she’ll be drawing on that well of experience for what should be an excellent talk.

Starts at 7pm with meditation. All welcome.

Dublin Buddhist Centre

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