Turning Around in the Deepest Seat of Consciousness – Dharma Talk by Subhadramati

Friday 26th April 2024
7:00pm - 9:15pm

Led by Subhadramati

This event is both in-person and online

Subhadramati is both a Public and Private Preceptor, making her one of the people responsible for conducting ordinations into the Triratna Buddhist Order. She currently lives at Tiratanaloka, a retreat centre for women training for ordination and is the lead fundraiser for the Tiratanaloka Unlimited Project. She is also President of the DBC.

As part of her presidential visit, she will be giving a talk on ‘Turning Around in the Deepest Seat of Consciousness.’

All are welcome to this evening, which will begin at 7pm with a meditation.

This event will also be available on Zoom. Join on Zoom using this link
(Meeting ID is 885 2764 9992 if you need it, and the passcode is DharmaTalk).

Dublin Buddhist Centre

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