February Weekend Sangha Retreat: Parinirvana – Last Days of the Buddha
February Weekend Sangha Retreat: Parinirvana – Last Days of the Buddha

Friday 19th February 2021 - Sunday 21st February 2021
Led by members of the Irish Order
On this DBC Sangha Retreat, we’ll be exploring and commemorating the Parinirvana, the ‘full Enlightenment’ or death, of the Buddha.
We will explore The Mahaparinibbana Sutta, which tells the story of the last days of the Buddha when, as an old man realising his death
was immanent, he travelled across India on one last tour, teaching and connecting with his followers one final time. And we will
reflect upon death more generally, and how we can creatively respond to it.
There will be talks by Vajrashura, Prajnamayi and Osadha on the theme, as well as input from Jnanadhara, Atulyamitra, Jnanesvari and others.
Parinirvana is also a time to remember and appreciate loved ones who have died over the last year, so please bring photos of deceased loved ones to place on the shrine if you wish.
So if you want to deepen your Dharma practice, or if the lockdown is getting you down and you need a deeper connection with the Sangha, join
us for this weekend retreat online!
Suitable for: Anyone who already has an established meditation practice with the DBC or other Triratna Sangha.
This retreat will run on Zoom on a donation basis.
Contact us or use the link in the Sangha Email to book on.
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