How to Survive a Plague: Parami in Conversation with Jnanadhara
How to Survive a Plague: Parami in Conversation with Jnanadhara

Friday 19th March 2021
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Led by Jnanadhara
In the early 1980s a deadly new disease emerged: HIV/AIDS. Similar to Covid, AIDS provoked fear, uncertainty and paranoia aggravated by the fact that the disease initially affected those at the fringes of society – intravenous drug users and gay men.
Parami had been ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order in 1980. Soon after, while living in London, she became heavily involved in supporting gay men who were struggling to respond to the AIDS crisis included many friends who passed away.
In this interview Jnanadhara will be talking to her about this time. They will explore what it can teach us about the present pandemic and how Buddhist teaching can help us respond creatively to encounters with adversity, disease and death.
Since coming in contact with Triratna in Glasgow in the 1970s Parami has been deeply engaged with communicating that Dharma and creating contexts for people to practice it.
She helped establish Triratna in Spain, including a long stint as chair of the Valencia Centre. She has been an International Order convenor and is a private and public preceptor.
The evening starts at 7pm and will conclude with meditation. All welcome.
Join us on Zoom (passcode if required is sangha ).
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