International Sangha Day 2020 – A Festival of Light
International Sangha Day 2020 – A Festival of Light

Saturday 28th November 2020
Led by Order Members from all over the world
What a year… Through dark days that have brought heartache for so many reasons, we’ve come together as a community time and time again.
Resilient, reflective, remarkable. And now, as we head into winter in one hemisphere and summer in another, we invite everyone moved by the sangha in 2020 to gather again as one.
Passing the Torch Around the World
We’ll pass the torch around the world once more – starting at dawn in the south Pacific, ending with nightfall in the north – ringing our Triratna community with a blaze of light in a gorgeous online festival of Dharma.
From Pune to Paris, Sheffield to Sydney, we’re asking you to bring with you the glow of your practice, the fire of your heart – and connect with so many of us who have seen the Buddha’s bright shining and answered its call. The world has never needed more the exemplification of generosity and friendship that is the best of our sangha.
Join Us!
Join us on November 27th & 28th & 29th 2020 for a celebration of our deep illumined connections. And let’s get ready together for 2021, resolved to grow and give as a community. Here come all of us to light the way!
The day will be divided into six watches of the day and night, taking us from sunrise to sunrise, sunset to sunset.
Friday 27th:
9pm: Opening Ritual and dedication ceremony – New Zealand
10pm: Short Talks: How has Sangha illuminated my life? – Australia and New Zealand
Saturday 28th:
5:30am: Puja with reaffirmation ritual & cultural event – India
7:30am: Meditation: Metta Bhavana – India
11am: Short Talks: Blazing like the sun – Mainland Europe
1pm: Meditation: Sangha – A Radiating Circle of Metta – Spain
3pm: Ritual procession of lights, then stories and poems by Bhante about Sangha – U.K
4:30pm: Conversation: Living and practicing the Dharma in other cultures – Ireland
8pm: Sevenfold Puja & reaffirmation ritual – Latin America
9:30pm: Talk: The Buddha´s light in the New World – Venezuela & Mexico
Sunday 29th
00:00am: Sangha inspirations – North America
1:15am: Sutra of Golden Light Puja & closing ritual – North America
Event Categories: