Liberation Through Friendship

Saturday 5th March 2022
10:00am - 4:00pm

Led by Jnanadhara

An In-Person Event

Day Workshop

The Buddha presented a path to liberation consisting of many different aspects, all of which are underpinned by friendship. On this day we’ll explore the crucial role that friendship plays in the Buddhist path through talks, reflection, discussion and meditation. We’ll consider what friendship has meant in our lives so far and the potential it possesses to be a catalyst for spiritual transformation in the future.

Open to all who have learnt meditation with the Triratna Buddhist Community.

This day will take place at the Dublin Buddhist Centre and is offered on a donation basis.

We invite you to join in with a shared vegetarian lunch by either bringing vegetarian food along to share, or you can contribute towards buying some food to share on the day.

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

Coming to in-person events at the DBC

Everyone is welcome to come to our events in the DBC. However, in line with current government guidelines, we ask that you do not come to the DBC in person if you have any symptoms of Covid, or have received a positive result from any covid test.

If either of these apply, we ask that you wait until the end of recommended self-isolation period before returning to the Centre. Otherwise, we hope to see you soon in the DBC!


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