Life with Full Attention – Mindfulness Course
Life with Full Attention – Mindfulness Course

Wednesday 24th April 2024
7:15pm - 9:30pm
Led by Vajrashura
An Eight-Week Practical Course in Mindfulness
We often feel like we’re not living life to the full. It’s as if instead of directly experiencing life we’re lost in a cacophony of thought, anxiety and chaos.
The Buddha’s mindfulness teachings are far more than a way of coping with the stress of the modern world. They are a direct way of seeing deeply into the truth of life and living from that. They are a way of living life fully and richly – a rich engagement of body, heart, and mind with life as it actually is.
On this eight-week course you’ll learn, in a step-by-step way, how to practise the Buddha’s four fundamental dimensions of mindfulness, as well as how to apply them to the life you’re actually living.
It will be based around the highly regarded book Life with Full Attention: A Practical Course in Mindfulness by Maitreyabandhu, and a copy is included as part of the course.
Companion App on Android or Apple
As well as the course, we are offering a free companion app for the course, to help you in your practice of mindfulness.
Each week has an introduction to the theme of the week, a practical exercise, a guided meditation and a poem.
More details are here.
Is this course for me?
This course is for anyone who wants to engage with a deeper understanding and practice of Buddhist mindfulness.
You don’t have to be a Buddhist to gain from this course; you don’t have to be particularly ‘spiritual’. All you need is curiosity, a desire to learn, and a willingness to put what you learn into practice.
Course Booking and Costs
€175 waged / €150 low-waged / €95 unwaged / €80 under-25. Runs for eight weeks.
Testimonials from Participants
‘A very interesting and thought provoking course. Lots of food for thought. Thanks so much for a very practical and life-enhancing experience.’
‘I am less sensitive to criticism (on a quantitative level i.e. less frequently), I am drinking less and am less bound by craving.’
‘[The course] has made me more aware of setting up positive conditions to allow myself to become more mindful.’
‘The impact of the skills I have gained has been profound. I may not yet be “living with full attention” but I am living life with “more” attention and that’s a great start… Thanks!’
‘It was a great introduction to mindfulness which allowed me to gain an appreciation of many different aspects of it that I was never aware of (art, people, etc… ). It also provided great tools to continue deepening my practice and a great book as a resource in the future.’
‘I’d highly recommend this course to anyone who feels like a bit of time out / reflection / or getting to know themselves through mindfulness.’
Photo by JR Korpa on Unsplash
Dublin Buddhist Centre
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