Drop-In Introduction to Buddhism Course
Drop-In Introduction to Buddhism Course

Thursday 29th June 2023
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Led by Prasannadeva
A six-week practical drop-in course introducing some core teachings of Buddhism
One of the Buddha’s key insights is that our state of mind conditions our thoughts, which in turn condition our actions, and thereby our world.
This course explores the idea that the mind operates in two very different ways, and that the spiritual life is essentially a movement from one to the other. We have the choice of being either reactive or creative, not just once, but at every moment. We investigate just what that means in our own lives, looking at ways in which we can become less reactive and more creative, in combination with the core concepts of the Buddha’s teaching, discussion, meditation and practical exercises.
Suitable for: Anyone interested in Buddhism and meditation, and who wants to open up to full creative potential of the mind.
This is a drop-in course so booking is not required and you can join the course any one of the weeks. However you might consider making a donation to help us to continue to provide classes in this way.
We suggest a €150 donation for this course, but you can give as much or as little as you want.
Dublin Buddhist Centre
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