Mitra Ceremonies
Mitra Ceremonies

Friday 14th August 2020
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Led by Mitra Convenors
On this special night, we’ll be having our very first in-person / online Mitra Ceremonies!
A Mitra is someone who feels that they are a Buddhist and wants to explore Buddhist practice predominantly within the Triratna Buddhist Community.
It marks a shift from being merely interested in Buddhism, or liking meditating, to being someone who feels a definite affinity with the Buddhist path and wants to join a Mitra community of dedicated practitioners.
On this special evening, Ian Edwards, Keith Dagger and Fiona Halliday will become Mitras.
We mark this event with a simple but significant ceremony, in the context of a three-fold puja. Jnanadhara, who will lead the ceremony, will be in the DBC with the three people becoming Mitras, as well as a small tech-support team.
We’ll be live-streaming the whole event on Zoom, so you’re invited to come along to participate and witness this important step for Ian, Keith and Fiona.
Join us for this event from 7pm on this Zoom link (password if required is mitra )
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