Online Mitra Ceremonies
Online Mitra Ceremonies

Sunday 9th May 2021
11:00am - 1:00pm
Led by
A Mitra is someone who feels that they are a Buddhist and wants to explore Buddhist practice predominantly within the Triratna Buddhist Community. It marks a shift from being merely interested in Buddhism, or liking meditating, to being someone who feels a definite affinity with the Buddhist path and wants to join a Mitra community of dedicated practitioners. We mark this event with a simple but significant ceremony, in the context of a puja.
For these ceremonies, due to the ongoing lockdown, we’ll be doing it all online on Zoom, with the people becoming Mitras doing the ceremonies from their home shrines.
And it’ll be a big ceremony, with 11 people becoming Mitras! So do come along to this event to cerebrate these men and women taking this significant step.
You’ll find more details in this week’s Sangha email about the people becoming Mitras.
This event will take the place of the usual Sunday morning puja. Join via Zoom a few minutes before 11am.
(Zoom password, if required, is sundaypuja )
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