Online Talk – Where to From Here?
Online Talk – Where to From Here?

Friday 21st August 2020
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Led by Jnanadhara
A talk by the Dublin Buddhist Centre Chair Jnanadhara
In this talk I want to communicate what we’ve been doing at the DBC these past months, what the situation is now, and where we see things going in the future as the effects of the coronavirus pandemic continue to be felt.
I’ll be asking the question: why have a Buddhist Centre?
And I’ll be calling on the jade green light of the Bodhisattva Tara to guide us as we endeavour to respond as a Sangha to the needs of beings in these strange and uncertain times.
Afterwards there will be a meditation for those who wish to stay on.
Join us for this event from 7pm on this Zoom (password if required is dharmatalk). All are welcome.
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