Questions and Answers with Ratnaghosha for Mitras
Questions and Answers with Ratnaghosha for Mitras
Sunday 25th February 2024
10:30am - 12:30pm
Led by Ratnaghosha
Join Ratnaghosha for a questions and answers seesion exploring whatever questions you might have about the Dharma and the Dharma Life. We are looking for questions to be provided to him in advance of the session and they can be submitted using this link.
Born in Ireland, Ratnaghosha became a Buddhist after an encounter with a Sri Lankan monk in Berlin. He worked for Windhorse Trading for several years, and was Chair of the London and later Cambridge Buddhist Centres. In 2021 he moved to Adhisthana in the UK (the homeplace of Sangharakshita in his last years) to join the Dharma Teaching Team there.
This event is for anyone who is a Mitra with the Triratna Buddhist Movement. While the event is on a donation basis we ask you to book on.
This event will also be available on Zoom. Join zoom using this link
(Meeting ID is 886 1786 4112 if you need it, and the passcode is mitraq&a).
Dublin Buddhist Centre
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