Sangha Day Festival 2023
Sangha Day Festival 2023
Sunday 26th November 2023
10:00am - 5:00pm
Led by Sadayasihi and Subhadramati
On this festival day we will be celebrating the spiritual community of Buddhists who follow the path of the Buddha’s teaching – this being the Sangha.
A source of inspiration, joy and encouragement, the Sangha, one of the three Jewels of Buddhism, was for Sangharakshita (the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Community) central to establishing a living, breathing Buddhist tradition here in the West.
So on this festival day we celebrate the Spiritual Community by coming together to practice meditation, ritual and devotion, while also enjoying time spent with fellow Buddhists as we journey together towards the shared goal of Enlightenment.
The morning will consist of meditation, reflection and two short personal talks from members of our community on the significance of sangha to them. In the afternoon Subhadramati, the president of the Dublin Buddhist Centre, will be giving a talk on gratitude and the Sangha as part of her annual visit and there will be mitra ceremonies, where two people will be expressing their commitment to Buddhist practice within the Triratna Buddhist Community by becoming Mitras.
We will have a shared lunch from 1pm – 2.15pm. Please join us in-person at the DBC for this festival day, no need to book in advance.
All welcome.
To join on Zoom follow this link (the meeting ID is 899 8076 1747 and the passcode is Sangha incase you need them).
Dublin Buddhist Centre
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