Sangha Night – Buddhism & the Ecological Emergency
Sangha Night – Buddhism & the Ecological Emergency

Tuesday 10th December 2019
7:30pm - 9:45pm
Led by Sangha Night Team
This Sangha Night we have a special guest. Guhyapati is the Director of the Eco-Dharma Centre which is situated in a beautiful and wild part of the Catalan Pyrenees in Spain.
The Centre is committed to supporting the realization of human potential and the development of an ecological consciousness – drawing on the Buddha’s Dharma and the emerging ecological paradigms of our time.
Climate change, mass extinction, ecological emergency: these were not issues that pressed upon people in the time of the Buddha as they do at the present time. However the Buddha’s teachings include many principles that we can bring to bear on these issues as a way of finding adequate responses to the questions that they raise. What as Buddhist can we do? How can we apply Buddhist principles to modern environmental dilemmas? What are our responsibilities as Buddhists to other living beings who share this planet?
Working as he does at the juncture of environmental activism and Dharma practice Guhyapati is uniquely placed to address these questions.
In the large shrine room there will be meditation and a short puja in the first half. Guhyapati’s talk will take place in the second half. In the small shrine room there will be meditation in the first half led by Prajnagita, in the second half you are invited to listen to Guyapati’s talk in the large shrine room.
On a drop-in, donation basis, with a suggested donation of €7.
Dublin Buddhist Centre
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