Keeping Watch Over the Mind: A Study Day for Men with Ratnaghosha
Keeping Watch Over the Mind: A Study Day for Men with Ratnaghosha

Saturday 24th February 2024
10:00am - 5:00pm
Led by Ratnaghosha
The mind is extremely subtle and difficult to grasp, alighting on whatever it pleases. Let the man of understanding keep watch over the mind. A guarded mind brings happiness.
– Dhammapada, Chapter 3, The Mind, verse 4.
On this study day for men, join Ratnaghosha for an exploration of chapter three of the Dhammapada, The Mind. Explore the nature of the mind and how to work with it creatively, along with practising and connecting with other men.
Born in Ireland, Ratnaghosha became a Buddhist after an encounter with a Sri Lankan monk in Berlin. He worked for Windhorse Trading for several years, and was Chair of the London and later Cambridge Buddhist Centres. In 2021 he moved to Adhisthana (the homeplace of Sangharakshita in his last years) to join the Dharma Teaching Team there. He also has ordained a number of men and is an excellent study leader.
Cost: €40 waged / €30 unwaged or student.
Dublin Buddhist Centre
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