Sub-35’s Group

Thursday 23rd May 2019
7:30pm - 10:00pm

Led by Sadayasihi, Kevin and Kasey

An In-Person Event

The Sub-35s group in Dublin has been established in recognition of the need for a space where people aged 35 and under can meet, share their experiences, practice together, and develop meaningful connections and friendships based on the Dharma (the Buddha’s teachings).

The Dublin Buddhist Centre is part of a worldwide Buddhist movement called the Triratna Buddhist Community which has primarily been described as a network of friendships in the Dharma.

Similarly, the Sub-35s vision is that it will be a welcoming place for people interested in exploring meditation and Buddhism with the support and friendship of their peers.

It will also link in with the wider Young Triratna movement via the annual retreat for Young Buddhists  each October in the UK.

Celebrating Wesak (the day the Buddha is said to have gained Enlightenment) along with Buddhists all over the world, this May we will be exploring the story of the Buddha’s journey to Enlightenment, approximately 2,500 years ago. How is this of relevance to us many, many centuries later? Can we glean anything of relevance for today’s society from what we know of the Buddha’s experience under the Bodhi tree all those millennia ago?

Exploring not only these questions, we will also hear from a Laura, a Mitra (friend) of our Sub35 Sangha, talking about what inspires her the most about being a Buddhist.

We’d love if you could join us.

If you are 35 years or younger and would like to get involved please email us or chat to the Centre team.

You can also check out our upcoming events on the Sub-35s page on our Facebook page.

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Dublin Buddhist Centre

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