Sub-35’s Group – Beauty, Devotion and Renunciation
Sub-35’s Group – Beauty, Devotion and Renunciation
Thursday 7th November 2019
7:30pm - 10:00pm
Led by Sadayasihi, Kevin and Kasey
The Sub-35s group in Dublin has been established in recognition of the need for a space where people aged 35 and under can meet, share their experiences, practice together, and develop meaningful connections and friendships based on the Dharma (the Buddha’s teachings).
The Dublin Buddhist Centre is part of a worldwide Buddhist movement called the Triratna Buddhist Community which has primarily been described as a network of friendships in the Dharma.
Similarly, the Sub-35s vision is that it will be a welcoming place for people interested in exploring meditation and Buddhism with the support and friendship of their peers.
It will also link in with the wider Young Triratna movement via the annual retreat for Young Buddhists each October in the UK.
Beauty, Devotion and Renunciation: An Evening Exploring Milarepa.
Dark magic, violence and sorrow mark the early life of the great Tibetan Yogi Milarepa, yet despite this, he has become one of the most celebrated figures of Tibetan Buddhism, renowned for his austere lifestyle, love for his teacher and hauntingly beautiful songs.
Though he lived in 12th Century Tibet, Milarepa communicated to his disciples themes so universal that they can still sound as if he is speaking directly to us today. Transience, beauty, joy and attachment are prominent themes in his teachings, and can imbue our own practice with a love for the Buddhist life.
The November Sub-35 event will be an exploration of this great figure. We will imaginatively travel to the peaks of Tibet, hear his story, discuss the themes of his songs, and connect with him through devotional practice.
Who It’s For
The Sub 35 group is open to anyone who is 35 years or younger and is suitable for all levels of experience. It meets monthly, and begins with meditation, followed by a discussion of Buddhist principles relevant to young people.
In particular, it will explore how practicing as a Buddhist can help transform the world we live in.
When It’s On
We will meet on the first Thursday of each month (though there will be some months when it will be a different Thursday night). See all upcoming events for Young People.
Each night will run 7.30pm – 10pm. The groups will be facilitated by Sadayasihi, Kevin and Kasey.
Find Out More
If you are 35 years or younger and would like to get involved please email us or chat to the Centre team.
You can also check out our upcoming events on the Sub-35s page on our Facebook page.
Sub-35s List
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Note that your contact details will not be used for any purpose other than adding you to our mailing list, in line with our General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) policy (PDF).
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