The Taste of Freedom – Buddhism Course
The Taste of Freedom – Buddhism Course

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Led by Sadayasihi
A six-week practical course in freeing ourselves from what binds us
The point of being a Buddhist is to free ourselves from whatever keeps us trapped in a mundane and repetitive cycle. But how do we do that, and what does real freedom mean?
In this course we explore a pivotal point in the Buddhist path where we have our first taste of real freedom. Traditionally this is called ‘stream entry’ – we enter the stream that leads to the ocean of Enlightenment.
At this point we break three fetters that prevent us from entering the stream, or we could say, from reaching our full potential. We take a good look at these and see how they play out in our lives, both individually and collectively, and we explore ways in which we can loosen, and eventually break them.
Participants will receive the ebook The Taste of Freedom as part of the course.
While all of our events are offered on a donation basis, to attend our courses in-person we ask for a deposit of €40 to secure a place as space is limited. You might consider making a donation to help us to continue to provide classes in this way.
Suitable for: Anyone who wants to be free from what holds us back, and who wants to learn more about Buddhism.
Dublin Buddhist Centre
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