The Greater Mandala – Buddhism Course
The Greater Mandala – Buddhism Course
Wednesday 17th November 2021
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Led by Prajnamayi and Rijumuni
A five-week practical online course on going beyond self and other
There is an inherent tension in walking the Buddhist path. On the one hand, it involves cultivating a deep sense of ease, relaxation, and contentment, in which reality effortlessly opens up to us. On the other hand, we develop a profound love and compassion for other beings, in which we feel that their welfare is as important as our own, motivating ourselves to help them in any way that we can.
These two dimensions can seem to be irreconcilable opposites that put us in an uncomfortable dilemma – should we concentrate on our own spiritual development or spend our lives helping others? Or should we try to strike a balance?
On this course, we will explore how ultimately the two dimensions are resolved in the realisation that the duality of self and other is a misperception of our experience.
Participants will receive the ebook The Greater Mandala as part of the course.
This course will be run on Zoom. All our online events are offered for free but you might consider making a donation to help us to continue to provide classes.
Suitable for: Anyone who is interested in going beyond our limited sense of self and other, and who wants to learn more about Buddhism.
Please note that while meditation will be part of this course, you will not be learning how to meditate. Please see our other events for an introduction course.
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