Triratna Day Online – What the World Needs Now: Triratna’s Gift
Triratna Day Online – What the World Needs Now: Triratna’s Gift

Saturday 9th April 2022
11:00am - 1:00pm
Led by Members of the Triratna Buddhist Order
Triratna Day 2022 focuses on our community’s contribution to the world: a vision of truth, communicated in a culture of kalyana mitrata (spiritual friendship), for the benefit of all. The day will be an experience of that, especially of being part of a global network of friendships for the good.
There will be six events—meditation, talk, a ‘tea break’, an ‘India visit’, a seminar and a puja—hosted from Adhisthana, Berlin, and Nagpur. Translation will be available for some sessions.
The symbol for the day will be the Thousand-armed Avalokitesvara. ‘Avalokitesvara in the World’ is the name of the £1 million appeal that FutureDharma will launch at the event.
Join in a very special day, with a chance to explore with experienced Order Members around the world what it means to be part of a global spiritual community.
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