Book Launch – ‘Uncontrived Mindfulness’ with Vajradevi
Book Launch – ‘Uncontrived Mindfulness’ with Vajradevi

Friday 9th April 2021
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Led by Vajradevi in Conversation with Jnanadhara
Ending suffering through attention, curiosity and wisdom
Join us for this special evening with Vajradevi, an Order Member with the Triratna Buddhist Order for over 25 years, and author of ‘Uncontrived Mindfulness’, a new book from Windhorse Publications.
Ordained in 1995, Vajradevi has been involved with many Triranta projects including being instrumental in the development of Akashavana, the women’s ordination retreat centre in Spain, and spent 4 years as the Director of the Cambridge Buddhist Centre. More recently she has focused her attention on exploring more deeply the Satipatthana Sutta, one of the Buddha’s most significant teachings.
On this evening Jnanadhara will interview Vajradevi, drawing out the fruits of this exploration, primarily as presented in her new book ‘Uncontrived Mindfulness’. The evening will conclude with meditation led by Vajradevi in the style the book details.
You can find out more about the book on the Windhorse website.
Join us on Zoom on 9th April, 2021 at 7pm.
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