Weekend Retreat – Mind: Reactive and Creative
Weekend Retreat – Mind: Reactive and Creative

Friday 25th October 2019 - Monday 28th October 2019
Led by Vajrashura, Rijumuni & Atulyamitra
Buddhism starts with the mind. Mind can be reactive, as symbolised by the Wheel of Life, or creative, as when one follows the Spiral Path of the Buddha’s teachings.
When we make the necessary effort our minds can become more and more creative, culminating in the mind of the Buddha.
This effort towards greater and greater creativity is the essence of Buddhism.
On this weekend retreat in Cavan, we will be exploring all this, drawing from the brilliant and accessible lecture Mind: Reactive and Creative by Sangharakshita. Join us to explore the path to the highest peaks that Buddhism has to offer.
Retreats are fantastic opportunities to get away from the complexities and difficulties of the modern world and spend time instead deepening into meditation, silence, friendship and spaciousness, and of course exploring the Dharma, the Buddha’s teachings.
Many people who go on retreat feel more grounded, calmer and in touch with themselves.
Those who go on retreat regularly find these qualities pervading the rest of their lives, and find their spiritual practice naturally deepening.
Cost: €185 waged / €165 low-waged / €125 unwaged or student.
This retreat is suitable for anyone who has done a meditation course with us.
Contact the centre or email us to book on.
Sandville House Hostel
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