CANCELLED – The Four Mind-Turning Reflections – Online Retreat

Thursday 29th December 2022 - Sunday 1st January 2023

Led by members of the Irish Order

An Online Only Event

Online Winter Retreat, 2022

Unfortunately this event has been cancelled. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Everyone desires to have something of profound meaning at the centre of our lives, and yet it can be difficult to motivate our energies towards this. Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels is what brings meaning, and yet we get so easily distracted from this.

On this retreat, we’ll be motivating our energies for the good by looking at the Tibetan teaching of The Four Mind-Turning Reflections: the preciousness and rarity of human life; the transitoriness of life and the certainty of death; karma and the consequences of our actions; and the defects and dangers of samsara. And we’ll be evoking the qualities of the Buddhas that can empower these reflections and lead to freedom.

This retreat will run online over the last weekend of the 2022 and will be a great way to finish the year and orientate towards whatever comes in 2023!

On a donation basis – suggested donation €150 in total, including booking deposit of €30. An online retreat. Starts Thursday 29th December 2022 at 7.30pm and finishes at 1pm on Sunday 1st January 2023.


Suitable for: Anyone who already has an established meditation practice with the DBC or other Triratna Sangha.

If this is you, then we hope you can come along and join us on this Winter Retreat!

This retreat will run on Zoom on a donation basis.

Contact us or use the link in the Sangha Email to book on.


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