Wise Up, Destroy Hatred, Free Your Mind
Wise Up, Destroy Hatred, Free Your Mind

Tuesday 31st August 2021
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Led by Jnanadhara
A five-week course exploring the Buddha’s teaching on the transformative power of kindness
The Buddha is renowned as the embodiment of wisdom and love. He also represents the fullest flowering of human potential. On this course we’ll be studying the Buddha’s words on love and how they point out a path to realise this potential.
We’ll be putting his teachings into practice by wising up to more skilful ways of living; by destroying hatred through the development of a vigorous imaginative identification with others; and freeing our mind through the cultivation of wisdom.
The course will include an introduction to the metta-bhavana (development of loving-kindness meditation) and is suitable for newcomers as well as people who wish to intensify their practise and glean new insights.
It will be based upon Sangharakshita’s book Living With Kindness. To do the course, you will need to have a copy of the book, which you can purchase in eBook format and in printed format (received in the post) from Windhorse Publications.
The publisher Windhorse Publications have kindly offered a 10% discount on the cost of the book for participants of this course. To avail of the discount please use the code DUZCC6UP when you make your order. Also, if you sign up for a free account you’ll get an additional 10% off the cost of the book.
This course will be run on Zoom. All our online events are offered for free but you might consider making a donation to help us to continue to provide classes.
Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash
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