Xmas Day Online at the DBC

Saturday 25th December 2021
10:00am - 12:00pm

Led by Maitrikaya and Atulyamitra

An In-Person Event

This Xmas Day we’ll be following our tradition of getting together on Xmas morning to practice and celebrate in our own way!

Why not join us online this year as we gather to connect with the sense of generosity implicit in this time of year through connection and practice with others.

This year you don’t even have to travel to continue the tradition of making space in a busy day. So come join us!

We will have a morning of Mindfulness, Metta and Mantra, followed by some socialising in breakout groups, all of which will set us up for this special day.

Join us for this festive morning on Zoom.
Password if needed: xmasday
Meeting ID: 854 2547 4962


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