Spring Retreat 2021 Schedule

Meeting ID: 321 456 1925 Passcode: DBC

Please note that some of Saturday’s events are at different times and link locations. This is because we are joining up with the wider Triratna Community on this day to participate in A Wave of Blessings Triratna Day celebrations.

Thursday 1st April 2021

Introduction – Vajrashura
Followed by reporting in groups

Dedication Ceremony – Pavara

Friday 2nd April 2021

Meditation Session
Dharma Talk – Going for Refuge as the Central Act of a Buddhist Life – Jnanadhara
Followed by discussion groups

Why I am A Buddhist
Short Talks from Dolores Power and Kevin Mullaney
Followed by Meditation and Puja

Saturday 3rd April 2021

Meditation Session
Triratna Day – Triratna: A Living Tradition
Followed by discussion groups

Meditation Session
Triratna Day – Ritual and Devotion: Words of Our Teacher

On this event there will be a chance to make an offering of a favourite Dharma teaching by Sangharakshita. You can choose from a selection of his writings if you don’t have any text to hand (PDF).

Meditation and Practice Evening – Vajrashura

Sunday 4th April 2021

Meditation Session
Dharma Talk – Why I Firmly Believe that the Dharma Leads to Freedom – Atulyamitra
Followed by discussion groups

Reference from talk:
The Taste of Freedom by Sangharakshita
Why I am A Buddhist
Short Talks from Prajnamayi and Dayasagara

Followed by Meditation and Puja

Monday 5th April 2021

Meditation Session
Short Dharma Talk – Going for Refuge in Daily Life – Pavara
Followed by reporting out groups
Closing Ritual – Finished by 12.45pm

Donations for the Retreat

This retreat is being run on a donation basis, and you can give as much or as little as you like. We are suggesting a €150 donation if you can.
Meeting ID: 321 456 1925 Passcode: DBC